Wave CD 36 Peter Ind and Rufus Reid – Alone Together A double bass duo recital 2000


Wave CD 36 “Alone Together”. Peter Ind and Rufus Reid – Double Basses. Recorded as a video at the Manchester Crafts Guild, Pittsburgh, PA in November 1998 and first released as Wave CD 36 in 2000. “This is the CD to play to those who still argue that the double bass is purely a jazz rhythm instrument. Here, two virtuosic players embark on a series of remarkable duets, in which melody, lyrical improvisation and a propulsive rhythmic pulse are given equal weight, producing entrancing performances, which must make this issue a contender for CD of the year. The duo complement each other wonderfully, with Ind, perhaps the more cerebral, balanced perfectly by the more earthy Reid” Chris Lee, Manchester Evening News, March 31st 2000

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